
Represents a software acceleration of an accelerometer. Allows for the reading of force changes in micro-G, as well as pitch, roll, and gesture data.

Version: ac276de
Canonical type name: codal::Accelerometer
Defined within: inc/driver-models/Accelerometer.h

Usage & Examples

One simple use case for the accelerometer abstraction would be to detect when the device is entering freefall. To do this, we can utilise the getGesture() method between thread sleeps, to allow the scheduler to enter idle mode and fiber components to update between checks.

MicroBit uBit;

int main()
    //Initialise micro:bit subsystems.

    //Wait until we seem to be entering freefall.
    while (uBit.accelerometer.getGesture() != ACCELEROMETER_EVT_FREEFALL) {

    //We're falling!


Accelerometer(CoordinateSpace&, uint16_t)

Accelerometer(CoordinateSpace &coordinateSpace, uint16_t id = DEVICE_ID_ACCELEROMETER);

Creates a software abstraction of an accelerometer, given the target coordinate space and event model ID.

- coordinateSpace (CoordinateSpace&): The coordinate space used by the sensor. Defaults to simple cartesian.
- id (uint16_t): The unique ID of the accelerometer within the micro:bit event system.


virtual int setPeriod(int period);

Attempts to set the sample rate of the accelerometer to the given millisecond period. If the requested rate is not available on the hardware, the next lowest rate will be selected.

- period (int): The new period (in milliseconds) between samples.

Returns - DEVICE_OK on success. Failure to set period will return DEVICE_I2C_ERROR.


virtual int getPeriod();

Returns the current sample period for the accelerometer.

Returns - The current sample period, in milliseconds.


virtual int setRange(int range);

Attempts to set the sample range of the accelerometer’s readings, in G. If the requested range is not available on the hardware, the next lowest possible range will be selected.

- range (int): The new range (in G) of samples.

Returns - DEVICE_OK on success. Failure to set range will return DEVICE_I2C_ERROR.


virtual int getRange();

Returns the current sample range for the accelerometer.

Returns - The current sample range, in G.


virtual int configure();

Configures the underlying accelerometer hardware to reflect the sample rate and sample range currently set as instance variables in this class. Once complete, instance variables are updated to reflect the changes made (requested ranges or periods may have been rounded down due to lack of hardware support).

Returns - DEVICE_OK on success. Failure to configure the underlying hardware will return DEVICE_I2C_ERROR.


virtual int requestUpdate();

This does not usually need to be called explicitly by the user, as sample data is typically updated passively when the scheduler is idle, however this can be used to force the accelerometer to grab the latest available data.

Polls the hardware to check if new sample data is available. If so, update the stored sample data.

Returns - DEVICE_OK on success. Failure to update will return DEVICE_I2C_ERROR.


virtual int update();

Update tick function to grab sensor data from the accelerometer and perform gesture tracking. This is called from the scheduler as a fiber component on first call, so does not need to be explicitly repeatedly called by the user.

Returns - DEVICE_OK on success. Failure to read accelerometer data will return DEVICE_I2C_ERROR.


Sample3D getSample(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem);

Reads the last stored accelerometer value, converting it into the provided coordinate system before returning it.

- coordinateSystem (CoordinateSystem): The type of coordinate system to return the sample as.

Returns - A Sample3D of the most recently stored accelerometer reading.


Sample3D getSample();

Reads the last stored accelerometer value, returning it in the default coordinate space for this accelerometer (constructor value coordinateSpace).

Returns - A Sample3D of the most recently stored accelerometer reading.


int getX();

Reads the X component of the last stored accelerometer value in the default coordinate space for this accelerometer (constructor value coordinateSpace).

Returns - The X component of the most recently stored accelerometer reading.


int getY();

Reads the Y component of the last stored accelerometer value in the default coordinate space for this accelerometer (constructor value coordinateSpace).

Returns - The Y component of the most recently stored accelerometer reading.


int getZ();

Reads the Z component of the last stored accelerometer value in the default coordinate space for this accelerometer (constructor value coordinateSpace).

Returns - The Z component of the most recently stored accelerometer reading.


int getPitch();

Returns a rotation compensated pitch of the device, based on the latest stored acceleroemeter reading.

Returns - The pitch of the device at the time of the last sample, in degrees.


int getPitchRadians();

Returns a rotation compensated pitch of the device, based on the latest stored acceleroemeter reading, in radians.

Returns - The pitch of the device at the time of the last sample, in radians.


int getRoll();

Returns a rotation compensated roll of the device, based on the latest stored acceleroemeter reading.

Returns - The roll of the device at the time of the last sample, in degrees.


int getRollRadians();

Returns a rotation compensated roll of the device, based on the latest stored acceleroemeter reading, in radians.

Returns - The roll of the device at the time of the last sample, in radians.


uint16_t getGesture();

Returns the last recorded gesture event from the device. Possible gestures are defined as the following values:

#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_NONE                     0
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_TILT_UP                  1
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_TILT_DOWN                2
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_TILT_LEFT                3
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_TILT_RIGHT               4
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_FACE_UP                  5
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_FACE_DOWN                6
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_FREEFALL                 7
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_3G                       8
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_6G                       9
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_8G                       10
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_SHAKE                    11
#define ACCELEROMETER_EVT_2G                       12

Returns - A gesture event, as defined by one of the above #define statements. If there was no previously recorded gesture, returns ACCELEROMETER_EVT_NONE.

Class Definition

class Accelerometer : public CodalComponent
        Accelerometer(CoordinateSpace &coordinateSpace, uint16_t id = DEVICE_ID_ACCELEROMETER);
        virtual int setPeriod(int period);
        virtual int getPeriod();
        virtual int setRange(int range);
        virtual int getRange();
        virtual int configure();
        virtual int requestUpdate();
        virtual int update();
        Sample3D getSample(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem);
        Sample3D getSample();
        int getX();
        int getY();
        int getZ();
        int getPitch();
        float getPitchRadians();
        int getRoll();
        float getRollRadians();
        uint16_t getGesture();