
Represents the micro:bit v2 in its entirety. Allows for convenient access to device drivers to control the micro:bit’s various hardware elements.

Version: 3f173e7
Canonical type name: codal::MicroBit
Defined within: model/MicroBit.h

Usage & Examples

In most projects, the MicroBit class will be one of the first things instantiated and brought up after entering main(). Without this, the scheduler will not be running and the message bus will not be brought up. To start a normal micro:bit project, you can do something like this:

#include <MicroBit.h>

MicroBit uBit;

int main()
    //Initialise the scheduler, BLE, etc.

    //Scroll some cool stuff on the screen!
    while (true)
        uBit.display.scroll("Hello micro:bit!");

Static Methods


static ManagedString getSerial();

Returns the serial number of the micro:bit v2.

Returns - A ManagedString containing the serial number of the device.




Constructs the device representation, including some of the hardware driver member variables on the board. Does not completely initialise all device drivers, this must be performed by calling init().


int init();

Completes initialisation of the device representation for various driver components, namely the Bluetooth stack (if DEVICE_BLE is enabled), message bus events, scheduler and IRQ priorities.

Returns - DEVICE_OK upon first call. All subsequent calls will return DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED (the class is already initialised).


void sleep(uint32_t milliseconds);

Delays the current fiber (thread) for the given number of milliseconds. If the scheduler is not running or this is called within an interrupt context, the method will busywait instead. To instead perform a blocking operation, call one of the wait(n) methods (wait_ms, wait_us) instead.

- milliseconds (uint32): The number of milliseconds to suspend execution for.


virtual void schedulerIdle() override;

Performs a scheduler idle, putting the device into deep sleep mode. If BLE is enabled and is currently connected to something, this will exit without entering deep sleep mode.


virtual void idleCallback();

Called periodically by the fiber scheduler for idle processing. Used internally by MicroBit to flush the DMESG buffer for serial debug, but can be overridden by inheriting classes.


unsigned long systemTime();

Determines the time since the micro:bit was last reset, in milliseconds. Currently, this counter overflows without error after roughly 1.6 months.

Returns - The time, in milliseconds, since the device was last reset.


void eraseUserStorage(bool forceErase = false);

Helper function to erase user storage after the micro:bit is reprogrammed. If forceErase is set to false, the storage will only be erased if the device has just been reprogrammed and CONFIG_MICROBIT_ERASE_USER_DATA_ON_REFLASH is enabled. Otherwise, if forceErase is set to true, the data will be erased without checks.

- forceErase (bool): Whether to erase user storage data without performing checks to determine its necessity.



    MicroBitBLEManager bleManager;

An instance of MicroBitBLEManager which allows the user to manage bluetooth pairing and connections for the micro:bit’s onboard bluetooth stack.


    BLEDevice *ble;

A representation of the Bluetooth low energy device that is attached to the micro:bit. For the micro:bit v2 API, this is simply a pointer to bleManager.


NRFLowLevelTimer systemTimer;

An NRFLowLevelTimer representing the micro:bit v2’s main system timer.


NRFLowLevelTimer adcTimer;

An NRFLowLevelTimer that drives the micro:bit v2’s ADC (analogue to digital converter).


NRFLowLevelTimer capTouchTimer;

An NRFLowLevelTimer at NRF_TIMER3, used to drive the micro:bit v2’s touchSensor capacitive touch sensor mechanism.


Timer timer;

An instance of the higher level Timer API provided by the CODAL core library. Wraps NRFLowLevelTimer to provide a high level interface for interacting with the system timer. You can interface with this in place of systemTimer if you wish to use a simpler interface which integrates with CODAL event handling.


MessageBus messageBus;

A CODAL MessageBus which allows for the processing of asynchronous events on the micro:bit. Allows for the hooking and processing of events from other micro:bit hardware elements such as buttons, BLE and asynchronous serial.


NRF52ADC adc;

Instance of a DMA-enabled analogue to digital converter NRF52ADC. Enables the use of multiplexed DMA/ADC channels, and is driven by the low level timer adcTimer.


NRF52TouchSensor touchSensor;

A capacitive touch sensor NRF52TouchSensor for pins on the micro:bit v2. Allows for the configuration of pins as “buttons” which, when pressed, will turn high.


MicroBitIO io;

Pin-based IO interaction provided through MicroBitIO. Contains representations of all pins on the micro:bit v2 as NRF52Pin instances.


NRF52Serial serial;

An NRF52Serial instance, allowing for serial communication over USB UART. Only allows for serial UART over the micro:bit’s USB port, if serial over a different set of pins is required then you should make a separate instance of NRF52Serial.


MicroBitI2C i2c;

An instance of MicroBitI2C which allows for the use of an I2C Protocol bus over pins P20 (sda) and P19 (scl). I2C interfaces over other pins should create a separate instance of MicroBitI2C.


MicroBitPowerManager power;

The device’s MicroBitPowerManager. Contains power state information for the device, and allows for the control of deep sleep modes, as well as the sending and receiving of control packets to the USB interface chip.


MicroBitUSBFlashManager flash;

MicroBitUSBFlashManager instance. An interface to the micro:bit’s USB interface and USB storage area, allowing for the revealing and hiding of the USB file on the mounted drive, as well as arbitrary read and write from the USB storage area. Provides access to size and page information for the attached flash.


NRF52FlashManager internalFlash;

The underlying NRF52FlashManager interface which provides functions for reading and writing arbitrary portions of flash memory. Also provides information on the attached flash.


MicroBitStorage storage;

typedef aliased instance of CODAL’s KeyValueStorage class. Allows for persistent key-value pair style storage. This storage is buffered with a scratch page, and backed by the micro:bit’s flash.


NRF52Pin* ledRowPins[5];

The micro:bit’s internal LED row pins, represented as NRF52Pin instances.


NRF52Pin* ledColPins[5];

The micro:bit’s internal LED column pins, represented as NRF52Pin instances.


const MatrixMap ledMatrixMap;

A map representing the LED matrix on the front of the micro:bit, as a CODAL MatrixMap.


MicroBitDisplay display;

Instance of MicroBitDisplay. Represents an interface to interact with the ‘display’ (LED matrix) on the micro:bit, with support for text rendering, scrolling text, as well as displaying animations and primitive images.


Button buttonA;

A Button interface which represents the button labeled ‘A’ on the micro:bit’s face.


Button buttonB;

A Button interface which represents the button labeled ‘B’ on the micro:bit’s face.


MultiButton buttonAB;

A MultiButton interface which represents the two buttons ‘A’ and ‘B’ on the micro:bit’s face as a group. This can be used to detect, for example, when both buttons are pressed at the same time.

TouchButton logo;

A TouchButton interface which represents the logo on the face of the micro:bit. A main use of this is to detect when someone touches the logo ‘pin’.


MicroBitRadio radio;

An instance of MicroBitRadio. This facilitates the sending and receiving of data over specific radio frequencies (from 2400MHz through 2500MHz, in 1MHz bands) with buffering.


MicroBitThermometer thermometer;

MicroBitThermometer instance. Infers the ambient temperature based on the surface temperature readings of various chips on the micro:bit.


Accelerometer& accelerometer;

A CODAL Accelerometer abstraction. Allows for reading of the micro:bit’s built in accelerometer data, as well as the configuration of the sample rate and range.


Compass& compass;

A CODAL Compass abstraction. Reads the magnetometer to determine the orientation of the device, applying tilt compensation from data provided by the accelerometer.


MicroBitCompassCalibrator compassCalibrator;

The micro:bit calibration manager for the CODAL Compass, represented in a MicroBitCompassCalibrator instance. Performs a least mean squares optimisation of results from sample data to obtain calibration data for the compass. Can also help prompt the user to collect required sample data by moving around the micro:bit with a small LED game.


MicroBitAudio audio;

Represents the audio API for the micro:bit v2, as MicroBitAudio. Allows for multi-stream audio playback with a basic mixer, as well as synthesiser support for small sound bytes. Also contains a reference to the microphone ADC channel.


MicroBitLog log;

The MicroBitLog interface. Provides easy to set up logging functionality for the micro:bit, generating data which can be viewed in HTML from the mounted USB partition on a PC.

Class Definition

class MicroBit : public MicroBitDevice, public CodalComponent

        MicroBitBLEManager          bleManager;
        BLEDevice                  *ble;
        NRFLowLevelTimer            systemTimer;
        NRFLowLevelTimer            adcTimer;
        NRFLowLevelTimer            capTouchTimer;
        Timer                       timer;
        MessageBus                  messageBus;
        NRF52ADC                    adc;
        NRF52TouchSensor            touchSensor;
        MicroBitIO                  io;
        NRF52Serial                 serial;
        MicroBitI2C                 i2c;
        MicroBitPowerManager        power;
        MicroBitUSBFlashManager     flash;
        NRF52FlashManager           internalFlash; 
        MicroBitStorage             storage;
        NRF52Pin*                   ledRowPins[5];
        NRF52Pin*                   ledColPins[5];
        const MatrixMap             ledMatrixMap;
        MicroBitDisplay             display;
        Button                      buttonA;
        Button                      buttonB;
        MultiButton                 buttonAB;
        TouchButton                 logo;
        MicroBitRadio               radio;
        MicroBitThermometer         thermometer;
        Accelerometer&              accelerometer;
        Compass&                    compass;
        MicroBitCompassCalibrator   compassCalibrator;
        MicroBitAudio               audio;
        MicroBitLog                 log;

        static ManagedString getSerial();

        int init();
        void sleep(uint32_t milliseconds);
        virtual void schedulerIdle() override;
        virtual void idleCallback();
        unsigned long systemTime();
        void eraseUserStorage(bool forceErase = false);